Should I get my kid checked at The Chiropractic Center?

Efy was sad when she found out her next appointment wasn’t for a few months.

2 Minutes Read

One of the questions we get asked a lot is whether or not our clients should bring their children to us for a check-up?

Although your pediatrician is by far the most qualified health care practitioner to examine a wide variety of conditions, chiropractic has been know to be extremely beneficial in the treatment of musculoskeletal complaints!

Our chiropractor at The Chiropractic Center is one of the few chiropractors on the island that has followed the paediatric seminar series and is qualified to look after children. In general, children are much more active than adults and they are constantly being exposed to many physical stresses that can alter the proper spinal alignment. 

Liam having his back pack assessment ahead of the new school year.

Some of the first spinal misalignments that show up in the human spine often appear very early in a child’s life. The birthing process can be very traumatic for both the mother and the child. In the case of the child, the twisting and pulling of the head and cervical spine, creates a very good chance of spinal misalignments which can sometimes result in a variety of conditions.

A child’s immune system, is regularly being fine tuned to its immediate environment. It has been demonstrated through research that the nervous system plays an integral role in how well the immune system functions. 

Proper spinal alignment will allow the nervous system to function uninhibited without harmful interference that can be caused by spinal misalignments and sub-optimal biomechanics of the body.

With this in mind you can understand why our clients at The Chiropractic Center regularly bring their children to be checked by our chiropractor.

Call our center today to get a health check

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